Motivation Theory

Here’s another Zig Ziglar quote I came across the other day: “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” Nice quote. And it really pulls on the fact that...

Don't Forget to Care

Don’t Forget to Care By Julie Donley, RN ~ Success Expert & Author of < nkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0976560542> Does Change have to be...

How to Handle Negative Comments | Tips and Tricks

If you run an online community service where others are encouraged to participate with their own thoughts, you’re sure to come across negative comments throughout your blog or forum’s life. While negative comments may be one of your greatest fears as a social media...

4 Ways to Motivate Yourself to True Success

Many of us seem to experience a lack of motivation at some point in our time. But how can we re-kindle the motivational fire within us so we can have true success. Below are 4 ways in which we can achieve this and if carried out you will find your motivation levels...